Okay. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I promise - but I am saying that Close Protection Detail have one job, and it's to get the Principal away as fast as possible. And they should IGNORE anything the Principal might be uttering or saying and get him out. They had no idea if there was a secondary threat.

So my question is when they get him up why do they stop multiple times for the 'iconic photo' opportunities? Where is the Ballistic Blanket that should have been covering him up?

@th3j35t3r You’re likely correct. We will also likely find out in all the other cellphone videos in the next 24 hours.

@CinnamonGirlE @th3j35t3r I think that’s some dude’s pants. That’s the one thing with this crowd — they wear flags in clear violation of the Flag Code.

@mikeharmanos @th3j35t3r
Oh, lol. Well I bet that's the way they will spin it. But he's, those idiots have no respect for the flag. I was raised by a vet who did.

@th3j35t34 @CinnamonGirlE

There is an even better one I’ve seen from that few seconds that will be another “hero shot” from this

I haven’t grabbed a screenshot of it yet


I won’t post his hero shot except with a filter

He is claiming the bullet went through his ear already, rather than the glass hitting him.

It’s possible that it was a small caliber bullet but it seems more consistent with glass or a fragment after it hit the glass

@AndersonArtwork thanks so much Scott. I also used a CW. I have no doubt that's what he is claiming. We all have to take good care of ourselves. This is gonna be something.

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