
An excellent thread on setting realistic media expectations for the counteroffensive.

TL:DR - The counteroffensive is not failing. It was never supposed to be a victory march โ€” itโ€™s a complex nonlinear process that requires time.

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Also, Phillips Oโ€™Brienโ€™s weekend update is always good reading. This weekโ€™s money quote:

โ€œIf breaking through a strong position is practically impossible, then you must weaken the position, and the only way to do that is to kill Russian forces and destroy Russian equipment. There is no shortcut to this.โ€œ

Those paying attention realize the offensive at this point is *probing" with smaller units for weaknesses.
The big push, overall and as I understand it, has yet to come.
Certain areas are getting larger offensives, depending on weaknesses discovered.

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