God Morning #CoSo been gone for a few days, still trying to finish fixing the house from #hurricaneIan almost done.
Few things:
1. Running won't save him from prosecution.
1a. Not even a little.
2. He won't win in a primary.
2a. He won't win in a general.
3. Notice how many endorsements he DIDN'T get last night
And most importantly
4. He is still an assclown
@MPCavalier oh its not an automatic write off. If and when he loses a primary he will run as independent. He will sow as much chaos as he can. THERE IS NO REASON TO IGNORE HIM RIGHT NOW. It still needs to be full throttle again his BS. We can't let up we can't ignore, and we can't surrender to McCheeto face. I believe he will be indicted, probably in January or early February. In at one case if not all of them.
DON'T ignore him, DON'T let up
@mgulla @MPCavalier I agree. Joe Biden does too, releasing an attack on him, while Orange Jesus was speaking. 😂 #Politics
I wish I could agree but this is EXACTLY what we were saying in 2015. Writing him off as an automatic loser can't be the strategy again. Good luck with the fix-up!