Democracy in Florida is not functioning.’ Governor’s rigged maps rob Black voters of power
@NightOwl2024 @hootenanny if you live in Florida, go VOTE, make sure you are registered, there are also a few districts with GOP nominees running UNOPPOSED, if you can run! We NEED all the help we can get. Volunteer to help register voters, we all need to do something to help us make us not in the national spotlight every week...
@mgulla @hootenanny Already hooked up with my local Dem. Party, but thank you.
@NightOwl2024 @mgulla love to see the communication and motivation 👍🏻
@mgulla @NightOwl2024 I’m actually in Texas but FA politics sounds too familiar. It’s crazy like ours
@hootenanny @NightOwl2024 yep, good luck, I grew up In Austin, and what I see going on in TX now just blows my mind
@NightOwl2024 @hootenanny if you need links to register, or volunteer I have some for the districts that are close to me, just shoot me a msg