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Now we have the fucking proudboys and all the other fascist groups agitating the counter protests, blowing up fireworks, beating innocent protesters. I hate where all of this is going. Fuck Hamas and Steve Bannon.

Matuzalem boosted

Marijuana should never have been a schedule 1 drug. IMO the scheduling should be in accordance with what promotes violence, temporary psychosis, or physical addiction. Weed doesn't do any of these things. It's been legal here in MA for nearly eight years, so the discussions always surprise me a bit.

Matuzalem boosted

“America is where it is today because of all the people and organizations that have committed small acts of cowardice,” David Hume Kennerly writes.

Authoritarianism by a thousand cuts.

Matuzalem boosted


Over the years, CoSo has witnessed many difficult and disturbing events together--sometimes in a spirit of unity, and sometimes in conflict

But we can be here together and witness events without bots pushing narratives, or algorithms highlighting certain voices

PRO users can tune in to hear real-time emergency channel updates

So if events and responses upset you, please, remember all the good that we enjoy here.

CoSo remains an oasis even in the most troubled times.

Matuzalem boosted

I just want to tell you how proud I am of my friends here on coso.
When the Police went into colleges, you could feel the tensions rise here, but overall *everyone* here was decent and kind to one another even when there was disagreement.

Do you have any idea how rare and special that is?

I guarantee the experience was very different on the "big" socials like FB, X, IG et al.

Matuzalem boosted

I don’t know anyone who is pro-genocide

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WOW! Trump Official Drops BOMBSHELL Live On Air And Confirms Trump Did THIS!

Donald Trump's former Attorney General Bill Barr confirmed some concerning reporting about Trump's presidency this evening on CNN.

Lynne's Note *** That Trump said the person who leaked info should be executed...Barr said it was not concerning cause Trump was angry but got 'talked down' from his rage

Matuzalem boosted

jellyfin update

dunno why I never think this'll work (had the same doubt with plex), but I found an old TV show I wanna rewatch, which is encoded as XviD/MP3 AVI files, and it plays without issue (or transcoding) on Jellyfin CCGTV... ☺️👍

Matuzalem boosted

And so it was said by Trump almighty, the self chosen one . . ."Though shalt have no images of me except those I flatter and brag about myself."

—Then we all laughed at him and made a point of his small 🍄

A lot of people are going to lose their jobs this year. over what? Hamas?

The era of having to know how to interact with a device in order to perform its basic features is going the way of the dodo.

Matuzalem boosted

ByteDance says they'd rather shut down TikTok than sell it.

Interestingly, TikTok is not an app you can use in China.

Matuzalem boosted

I am entitled to my opinion and you are yours. Threatening to mute or block on here in feed randomly when you see things because people have difference in opinion, is why a few I know have left this sight in past six months and never came back makes me sad. Be better. Learn to scroll and move along, or use the tools, but be kind when someone doesn’t agree with you especially on heated topics. Just an observation. 👩🏻‍🦰’s two cents

These protests are an extension of Charlottesville.

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