Wet and cold
A heavy fog
The visible world
Just the first field.
I'm buoyed by the beauty
I cannot see
But which feels so close.
I smell the scent
Of the spice of spring
Wafting from enchanted places
Down in the woods
Where wild garlic grows
Chaffinch pinks happy
on the ghost of a thorn
And my beautiful skylark
Falls from the sky
like an autumn leaf
Out of the clouds
On to the greening meadow.
@allin you are right, they are beautiful birds, skylarks. I like to think that they find their own perches, high in the sky, and sing from there.
@matty7w I love how each line seems to encourage the reader to pause and reflect. I feel I am witnessing this place even as I’m becoming more aware of nature around me. Plus I checked out the calls of the skylark and the chaffinch. The skylark can call while flying! That’s pretty rare for a song bird.