Hi all! It’s been awhile. I got a new puppy!
She is a goldendoodle named Kkami.

Good morning. Graded 200 papers and 70 final exams this week. Excuse me while I collapse.

Looking for fellow academics, especially - let’s form a group and collaborate.

Since everyone is talking about that other social media site, I’ll post my homicide rate chart:

Hiya. It’s been awhile since I’ve been here but I thought I’d pop in and see how things are going.

Literally nobody texts me but the scammers.
And it’s been bad the last couple days. My # must have made it into a database.

The phishing texts have been pouring in today. Please be careful. Your stimulus isn’t coming via text message, nor are you going to get free health insurance via text. Block and delete.

So, Sidney Powell filed a motion to dismiss the Dominion defamation lawsuit. She claims “no reasonable person would conclude” her assertions were “statements of fact.”

I just lost a friend to cancer last night. He was one of the good ones, and now he is gone, leaving behind 4 kids. Fuck cancer.

To quote Justice Sotomayor, “...the Federal Government will have executed more than three times as many people in the last six months than it had in the previous six decades." It’s a death cult.

We were told today not to go into work at all next week because of potential violence. All buildings are closed through Wednesday. *sigh*

I had forgotten how much I love Nick Cave. Here is a playlist for your enjoyment, too. youtu.be/q4VWKbZkIcM

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