So the shortlist for Time's Person of the Year includes Mueller, Kim Jong Un, Kaepernick...and .
I SO hope one of the first three win, because that would piss him off SOOO badly ahahahaha
@immigrantsong No, it's not an accolade. It's whoever was most of note that year or affected big change. Hitler was Person of the Year, before.
What did you think after all about Time's Person of the Year?
@malice Didn't Dotard already tell them "No thanks"??? Putz.
@GroovySooz @malice
What happened to that Saudi? I can't remember his name; he was blowing everyone away in voting last week and it wasn't even close?
@malice please be Kaepernick, for the delicious white tears...
@malice yeah I can't argue with that choice.
@malice Shouldn't the Time's Person of the year be someone to look up to? Instead of being so horrible that we can't help but gawk - like rubbernecking a horrific accident - except then we become part of the accident. Two of those would fit in the latter category ....