@engineer Uh not really. Just a Halloween Prop.
Trying to wrangle the executive dysfunction tonight. So far I have done pretty well but I think I just hit a wall I need to push past to work on a time sensitive project tonight. #ADHD
@Novels56 I hate waking from a really good dream because then I am in my IRL nightmare that is right now.
@ucantstop_me my key rack is a bat. Keep the masks elsewhere. So they won’t be touched till they have had time to mellow.
@XanHart I got rid of a few when I got mine. Love the damn thing.
@lineofstarshine I do so many different things. I have dozens of containers. Some are well organized, some rather not so much. Then there is the debate as to whether the 'floor' or various other surfaces count as 'containers.
Don't be like me. Wrangle it while you can!
@lineofstarshine Good luck with that. It can take a lot of tries to find the system that works for you.
@XSGeek I'm picky.
gamer geek goth girl