"Years of algorithmically-pushed #outrage has turned us into junkies. When there is nothing to be outraged about, we search for it... This is why people will self-immolate over a poorly worded tweet, even as climate change threatens the lives of millions of people. And so we all live on the edge, ready to be furious." - Jamie Bartlett
@IrelandTorin I adopt the Stoic principles of focusing on what I think and can do. Also, think of how the pendulum swings in politics and social norms, right? How things always change.
@leighchantelle it's the secret of fox news' success... anger is addictive, gotta keep em angry
@Iceman_Bob Exactly. And I also think about scores of neuroticism... I have VERY low scores, I truly don't see much as a threat. However, a LOT of people see SO MANY things as a threat, right? This might be part of how this can be mitigated.,,
@leighchantelle My solution for this problem is to inoculate myself against outrage by adopting a high level of static animosity towards the parties at fault for all the really impactful / damaging issues...
No need to search for sources of outrage when, to use a possibly-hyperbolic analogy, you're already enraged enough to turn the tanned hide of a Saudi Aramco exec into a grotesque lampshade.
In fact, the things others get outraged about start looking very petty. Because they are.