The Community Firehose flows for everyone, but it can't keep flowing without cash. Pro *and* Patreon - Please Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Speak your mind, be it left or right. Just be sure to pay for the soap box upon which you stand! Pro *and* Patreon - Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Don't let the lights go out on a bastion of free speech! Pro *and* Patreon - Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Comfort during a medical situation. Yes, even that is available for you! Help keep it that way! Pro *and* Patreon - Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Sick. Still supporting free speech, though. If I can do it when I'm sick, you can do it when you're well. Pro *and* Patreon - Keep CounterSocial Funded!
No matter which side of the hydrant your plug is on, you've got the right to hook onto the Community Firehose. The water inside isn't free, though - help keep it running! Pro *and* Patreon - Help Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Not only free speech, but vital information flows on CoSo via the COSOCOM link. That's why it needs your support! Pro *and* Patreon - Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Four-day weekends are essential, just like free speech on CounterSocial! Help keep the doors open for the weekend! Pro *and* Patreon - Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Help keep free speech free of ads and spam! Pro *and* Patreon - Let's Keep CounterSocial Funded!
My words aren't coming easy this morning, yet I'm glad there's an outlet for them. You should be glad there's an outlet for yours, too! Pro *and* Patreon - Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Even if you don't visit every day, free speech is still available for you 24/7. Please help keep it that way! Pro *and* Patreon - Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Free speech isn't exactly "free" - somebody's got to pay for the microphone! Pro *and* Patreon - Help Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Early on a Sunday? Perfect timing! Pro *and* Patreon - Help Keep CounterSocial Funded!
"'You may fire when you are ready, Gridley." But *you* don't have the luxury of "when you are ready" - CoSo needs your help *now*! Pro *and* Patreon - Please Help Keep CounterSocial Funded!
I've been sick, but I'm still doing my share. Pro *and* Patreon - if I can do it, you can, too! Help Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Even with hazelnut coffee in my system, I can still gather the strength to go Pro *and* Patreon! You can, too - help Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Come on, you know you wanna do it. All the "cool" kids are doing it! Pro *and* Patreon - let's Keep CounterSocial Funded!
I'm tired as hell, but I'm still doing my share! Are you? Pro *and* Patreon, plus look for the new #CoSoMarketPlace sales! Help Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Been away for a while, but I'm still funding my share. Pro *and* Patreon - make sure you've got both covered. Help Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Fully jumpstarted, fully Pro and Patreon! Get your morning going too - help Keep CounterSocial Funded!
Author of "Grabbag," the Duke Nukem Theme, and much more. On disability retirement, but still writing music.