Met my orthopedic surgeon about getting my torn right shoulder's rotator cuff operated on. He said I was good to go, but I expressed fears about not being able to get out of chairs/up from toilets since I wouldn't be able to push off with my right arm. That, and a few other right-arm-related concerns as well. He concluded that I probably shouldn't have the surgery after all. Oh, great.

Instead, I'm getting steroids injected in the joint. We'll see if it works. Give it a week.

@leejackson 🤔 I know you're probably sick of hearing this, PT and OT would have helpful input and exercises at this point before surgery ever being done. Also depending on insurance, there's actually several options available for recovery.


@insomniacviolin The best non-surgical option for me (can't remember what it's called, it involves extracting my blood and re-injecting it) isn't covered by my insurance. Sigh.

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