Strip it down to its bare roots, CoSo. What basic coffee do you prefer?

@leejackson I'm torn... My favorite coffee is a dark roast but it's really expensive so I often buy a medium roast that I like too. 😥 I can't do a blonde/light roast though.


Do you have a Keurig machine? If so, there's a place online that has some really good dark roasts that are priced the same (I think) as their medium roasts. It's called Fresh Roasted Coffee (

@leejackson I do not, I drink cold brew coffee so I have a Ninja cold brew machine. 🥺 I really want to try though. I'm just waiting for my birthday to come so I don't have to buy it on my own dime. 😂



I once made some *very* good cold brew using coffee from Cafe Britt in Costa Rica ( It looks like they've got some kind of sale going on right now. I don't know if it's in your price range, but it's worth at least a look.

@leejackson My price range right now is nothing 😅 I've had a very bad last few months business wise.

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