I don't understand what's going on, CoSo. My upper torso feels bruised, on my arms, back, and sides. My swelling (edema) in my legs has gone down drastically over the past few days, with me losing 10 pounds in water weight. I'm about to go to the doctor, but I'd like to know what is going on in the meantime. Ideas?

I’m so not a doctor. You drastically lost water weight? How?



I'm on two prescription diuretics (Bumex and another one I've forgotten the name of). The Bumex is a high dose - 6mg in the morning and 4mg at night. However, I've been on it for weeks, and it hasn't caused this kind of reaction at all. I'm stumped.

Damn. Are you getting enough potassium & sodium?
I’m not a doctor.
It’d drive me nuts too. Hope your appointment is soon!

Hoping you feel better soon and get the answers you seek from your Doc.


I wonder about the potassium. I'm on a prescription supplement. Looks like I need to get my levels checked. Thanks!

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