Just sold today. Probably my second best piece. Now if Etsy and USPS didn't take all the profits I'd be happier, but I love what I do.
Tater-Tot is thoroughly enjoying the electric blankly on my lap, while the wind howls and the snow starts. 💕
Ok it was my first try. Took a stained glass class today. Two more classes tomorrow focusing on cutting and soldering. It was fun!! #cosoart
Someone is feeling rather intense tonight, like they think they would make a rather fine speaker. Lol
I make art pottery. I added a couple new items today. Take a peek if you have a moment!
Just back from Palm Springs last week. Tater-tot wants to go back. The heat vent is his new best friend.
I'm in chrome on android and it looks like i can't search for anything. If I type in any character the search icon changes to an "x". Is it the browser?? Is it me? #bugreport
From 1922: "Why," the man in the brown hat laughed at him, "I thought everybody knew 'Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.' If you say 'Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit'—three times, just like that—first thing in the morning on the first of the month, even before you say your prayers, you'll get a present before the end of the month."
#Camping day 3 Almost normal day. Finally got to relax by the pool after deciding to blow off the Palm Springs Halloween party. Sad, but we were both so stressed out and needed some down time. Cats are destressing as well. A little brotherly love wrestling going on here. 😆
#camping #catsofcoso
#Camping day 2, morning. 3 trips walking to the Campground bathrooms in the dark and 20⁰. Jealously eyeballing the cat's box. LOL Sun is up. Time to hit the road again.
So I'm a potter who also collects pottery. This little stinkbug named "Chippy" has taken to climbing on my shelves where I keep my collection. Brand new shelves have arrived with DOORS. Ahh...safe... well except that top shelf #$÷*&^!!
Former IT queen. Trying to hang on to reality by laughing and creating. I'm a Potter, specializing in Arts and Crafts period revival. See kaPHÉ Pottery.