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and this one is from the other side of the park, Kawuneeche Valley. Looks like it's aflame.

It looks like there's a dolphin in the sky on the right!! Alpine Visitor Center, Rocky Mountain National Park (right now)

One of my fav webcams. This is Kawuneeche Valley webcam (current pic!) from the Rocky Mountain National Park, and that's an elk in the center of the frame!

This is a Portuguese egg tart. They are so so so good. I picked this one up at The Foundry Bakery in Maryland Heights.

I know they've been saying "Next week!!!" for like, 2 weeks, but I'm thinking that NEXT week we're gonna get the heat.

From Saturday, 30 minutes before sunset. 10 minutes after this was taken, the sun had already disappeared into the smoke.

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Approaching Atlas πŸš€πŸͺβœ¨

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