
It looks like there's a dolphin in the sky on the right!! Alpine Visitor Center, Rocky Mountain National Park (right now)


Last time I was there (6 yrs ago) we couldn’t get into the parking lot. There was a line of cars on Trail Ridge waiting to get in.

Sad to see it so overrun. Have lots of great memories there during 30 yrs in CO.

@LnzyHou we went in 2018. Drove up Old Fall River Road to the top, and then back down to Estes Park on Trail Ridge. It was busy then too!


OMG —don’t know anyone else that has the courage to drive up Old Fall River Road.

Scary but wonderful!

@LnzyHou I was the driver (we had a 12 person, 3 car group) of one of the two that went up the Old Road, it was thrilling!

I was fine til we got to the top and I had a panic attack/adrenaline crash in the parking lot. lol Oops.

It was an exciting drive, tho. Loved Willow Meadow on the way up


Road it several times. Always a passenger. I couldn’t stand to see the 1,000’ drop with no guardrail as the driver.

Swear I held my breath all the way. But the adrenaline rush was wild.

@LnzyHou yeah, it's pretty wild to realize that the tops of the trees that are 10 feet from your window are actually 80 foot tall Ponderosa pines.

Can you believe that used to be a two way road? YIKES!!!!!

@LnzyHou I think it was two way until Trail Ridge opened. Trail Ridge wasn't completed to Grand Lake until the 1980s (!!) but I think the East segment opened up to the AVC in 1968? I don't remember lol

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