Someone around my area is having a VERY bad day. That could be frack water, gas, or some other dangerous substance in the cylinder.

Definitely looks like gas or water storage cylinder from a frack site, it's likely empty. It broke three cross beams on the bridge. Main road. People are angry.


@misslovelymess we had this happen on an interstate - it was an empty silo, and the truck took it under a flyover ramp that was fine on the left and the two middle lanes, and just a wee bit short on the far right.

Of course it was a loop/ring interstate (I-270) which has heavy rush hour traffic, and they had to close the ramp and 2 lanes of the interstate. Took 6+ weeks to fix the bridge, and the silo was hauled off and sat in an empty parking lot for months.


@kismatt Oooof. We don't have traffic anywhere near that volume.

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