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kingofc boosted

yet again...this time, the Republican pedophile is one of kevin mccarthy's old underlings.

The sheriff states that one of his children stabbed him "protecting" another one of his children from what "he believed" occurred.

@Render anyone protesting the continued war in Gaza is pro Hamas?

Has anyone else noticed the hard shift to the right in most of the news outlets recently? Seems hard to miss.

kingofc boosted
kingofc boosted

@GeorgeVotesBlue to be fair though, “think tank” organizations have been doing some form of this for quite a while, even without the Supreme Court and its many think tank members public “go ahead”

kingofc boosted

@Heucuva8 @th3j35t3r

Sounds like something a stupid, shallow, privileged white asshole from apartheid South Africa would say.

My family and I recently visited the Atlanta zoo, here’s a panda sleeping

@WeThePeople they also supported Ted after he killed a women, so I’ll not be looking to the Kennedys for my moral compass

kingofc boosted
kingofc boosted

WH, Senate & House leadership met & agreed on border bill plus funding for Ukraine, Israel & Taiwan. Speaker Johnson talked to Trump & MAGA in House who don’t want to vote on it. If Johnson brings to vote, they will recall him.

Today is not the day. Most days I think about not being here anymore, then power through, hoping for things to improve. Then, I get a call or text of something, where the only person I have (my age / partner) says something that cancels all the motivation and starts me all over. How to continue?

My new superpower, not immediately commenting or reacting when someone says a thing i disagree with. Granted, I don't have this power all of the time, but sometimes.

Another one bites the dust Show more

@_Psyber love their vibe. Scratchcard Lanyard is so good

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