Telegram has said it will hand over users' IP addresses and phone numbers to authorities who have search warrants or other valid legal requests.
Wails of "But waddabout muh free speech?" and "It was supposed to be anonymous!" echo across the internet. 😄
@nonayadambidnes I'm not going to wail about it.
But, this reminds me:
I am looking for safe channels for communicating with a friend who teaches abroad - in a country I'm always worried will do something terrible to them at any moment.
That's a reason someone might want a method a government can't track by just asking.
It's not just bad guys hiding. These things are used by people hiding from bad guys, too.
@AskTheDevil You're right, good point.
@AskTheDevil And sometimes probably the bad guys are actually the law enforcement that are asking for the info. Damn it. Sorry I didn't think that through.
@AskTheDevil you are of course completely correct. I was lazily using his framing to make my point 👍
Everything is more fun when it's part of a lefty plot
@killingfloorman @nonayadambidnes
I'm currently trying to figure out a way to trick people who support Sharia law in the US into donating to PFLAG.
That'll confuse historians!
It doesn't take the devil to confuse most historians
@killingfloorman @nonayadambidnes We can practice this kinda stuff here, then use it out there!
It's more fun when it's part of a lefty plot!