Central American countries have some of the highest income inequality in the world.
Attempts to address this inequality through electoral politics were largely defeated by a combination of elite resistance and pressure from the U.S. Throughout the 20th century.
Driven by its fears of communism during the Cold War, the U.S. supported right-wing authoritarian governments that maintained the status quo.
#immigration #consequencesofcruelty
I had just enough gas for the mower to do 85% of the yard. I'll take it. No one sees that last bit anyway.
Elon you petty ass mofo. He deleted all of Apple's tweets on the bird app. #Muskrat
From Salon: #Chiquita #MurderForHire #LaborOrganizers
Chiquita found liable for paying off right-wing death squad that killed labor organizers in Colombia
The banana company was found guilty of knowingly paying off a paramilitary group
No more bananas from here for us!
They're coming for your contraception now. And it won't stop there. Just like it didn't stop with Roe.
I am a progressive veteran and also a sports fan. inI am in Milwaukee area.