@kenyatta2009 They need weapons, they need ammo, they need medicine, they need allies.
I'm tired of watching someone try to fight off a bully while a crowd watches and someone occasionally throws in a broken beer bottle to fight with.
What the fuck people. Russia invaded other people and is killing them, taking their shit, and occupying their spot.
Stop. Them.
If you do not stop them, then that means you are saying "This is OK". This is the law of the Earth. This is allowed.
@kenyatta2009 And then maybe find the next fucking pile of bullies, and gang up on them fuckers too. Go sort out Haiti. Go sort out any of a hundred places on Earth where someone's sticking a boot on someone's neck.
@kenyatta2009 I think what'll really fix the "what will Russia do next" problem is if instead of fucking around and acting craven, and worrying how they'll escalate, if the US and every other European country went straight over and pounded the fuck out of every single Russian soldier or officer or piece of equipment in Ukraine that don't flee back to Russia.
No blowing up Russia. No vengeance and blood.
Just no more of that shit.
Decisive, collective action.
Shit or get off the pot.