
Happy tail end of the week for you working stiffs...

Weather has gone from rain every other day to HOT. And we've gotta get these grasses and weeds that just jumped up 1-2' in the last week mowed.

Usually we get a couple weeks of transition!

@kay_dub This working Stiff is currently working 6 day weeks, so it feels like it should be Friday, but it's not...

@kay_dub I heard it was hot inland… expected it would be because we have dense fog.

@Museek Our friends from slightly inland visited yesterday. It was a lovely 70° here (but hot working in the sun), but it was 85° 15 miles further inland.

We sat outside, and they had to put on jackets 😂!

At 5pm, the fog FLOODED in, and the temp dropped 20° in about 10 minutes. I love the coastal climate!

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