@jurban Psychologist Jonathan Haidt has analyzed conservative vs. liberal political positions based on five kinds of moral values. Your Y-axis is related to his first "Care for Others / Do No Harm". You need to be careful about your X-axis because human reason is often driven by other moral values so we don't want to confuse lack of reason with applying different values. Here's one link: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/theory-knowledge/201201/jonathan-haidts-moral-political-psychology
I just read the article. It falls short, IMHO.
I'm exploring the root-cause behind how people think and build their positions on any topic. Morality is one topic. Even people's comfort with change.
The X axis is my insight. I think we have not considered measuring abstract thinking. If a person cannot think abstractly, then cannot compartmentalize concepts. They lean heavily upon intuition.
I'm trying to juxtapose that with an emotional range.