
Lacking Empathy and Being a Bad Person are not necessarily correlated.

They often align in people, and a lack of empathy allows a person to do bad things more easily. But they don't have to be mutually an attribute of a certain type of person.

@jurban One of my brothers is a sociopath. He is unable to feel any sensation of remorse, guilt. He doesn't feel a sense of transgression.

But he does understand ethics, consequences, choices. He's spent most of his life doing what he believes is beneficial to others, and resists doing harm. He helps people.

His inability to care what others think has helped him stand up to bullies and bureaucrats. It's almost impossible to make him angry.

Having less feelings didn't make him stupid or evil.

@jurban He's said things before like "being a sociopath doesn't give you any special right to be an asshole".

Thanks for the insight.
It was via my thinking about similar people in my life that I began my original thought. I couldn't call them "bad". But, I also don't trust them. I've culled a lot of friends with that assessment. I still keep in touch, but at arms-length.

I believe in business, especially Sales, being a sociopath is an asset. You just don't give a shit about what people think of you, so you get up and do it again after failing for the 1000th time.

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