
Safely home from a 2-week vacation.
Almost not.
At the airport baggage claim conveyor I stepped into a gap between people to see if I could see a bag. The guy behind me started yelling at me.
I turned around and encountered a red-faced, wet-eyed man in his 30's ready to kill me. Apparently I blocked his view of the conveyor.

I stared at him.
Locked eyes for 5 seconds to show I wasn't afraid of him.

I turned around and ignored him, showing him my back in case he wanted to sucker-punch me.

At an earlier time in my life there would have been a fight.

Reading Marcus Aurelius gave me just the guidance I needed.

Some people have serious problems.
Those problems are not your problems.
Don't make them your problem.


Proud of you.

Too many people have no control over their emotions.

That’s how wars start.

Believe me, the adrenaline was there!
Deep breath.
Look up.
Move on.

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