
Enjoy the view from The Grande Timeo bar, Taormina, of Mt Etna today.

@jurban What an incredible place that is, I hope to see it again. I'm working on it.

@jurban Taormina? No pool when I was there. Sort of sad to see one.

Yes. And a private terrace with a hot tub above the bar patio. Still pretty stunning. And.... expensive!! We just had drinks.

@jurban Yeah that place is special. Did you go beyond to the "bar above it"? If it still exists there is a bar there where just about every accountment is a penis.

Nope. No penises in Taormina these days. But, we just zoomed through Castelmole and encountered a number of peni attached to various tools. Last time we saw that was Mykonos.

@jurban IDK this was a second cable car up? I never got there, my cousin lived in Catania for a while, he told me about it.

I'll reconnoiter on the subject and see if I can provide an update.
The wife wants to see the Four Seasons, White Lotus location, hotel tomorrow, so will be pressed for time.
I'll have to make 3x more $$ so I can really enjoy this town. 😃

We took that cable car. It goes from the road by the beach to a level close to the main shopping street of Taormina.

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