
A highschool classmate died last weekend. I just found out. Funeral was this morning.
She was way too young.

Went to bed Saturday night and didn't wake up.

We were friends many decades ago. A year ago I was planning a trip back home and we tried to meet up. Schedules didn't align. We promised to try again next time.

Now she's dead.

Look around you today. If you are alive, then BE alive. This is the only moment we have...right now.

And be a good person while doing it.

Good bye Jennifer.😥

@jurban A friend and I were talking yesterday, and we acknowledged the fragility of life—I lost a brother, he lost a best friend, both in their thirties—and there's not a damn thing to do about it except live while you're alive. Sorry for your loss.

@jurban At my last HS ten-year reunion we agreed we'd start meeting every five years going forward. Some hadn't made it.

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