mhm -
and he's -
not a liar -
he's a gaslighter -
incanting a belief -
that he deserves -
what he wants to be -
and scared to -
extremes -
that he's a pity-full -
weak-link -
6/26/2022 - First Quarter Moon
the city housing projects designed to perpetuate the individual as a supposedly independent unit in a small hygienic dwelling make him all the more subservient to his adversary – the absolute power of capitalism
plant species that lived together had closely matching life histories: Pairs of species living in the same ecosystem tend to be more complementary than randomly drawn pairs.
less than 2% of the tree species in the Amazon account for half of all the individual trees, meaning that 98% of the species are rare.
Tōjisha-kenkyū is based on a simple idea. Humans have long shared their troubles so that others can empathise & offer wisdom about how to solve problems. experience of mental illness often has an absence of collective sharing and problem-solving
Unlike those with physical and visible disabilities, second group of tōjisha were not sure how to advocate for themselves as members of society. They didn’t know what they wanted and needed from society. This knowing required new kinds of self-knowledge
how beautiful -
she looks -
today -
and i feel it -
a sense of -
glow -
i feel-see -
when i see - hui -
i real-ize -
how it is only to her -
have i heard so often -
from my own voice -
how beautiful she is -
among all women -
public celebrations -
in local dimensions -
social with care -
enable everyone -
to care for -
themselves -
and others -
this grows -
social fabric of woven trusts -
worthy of care -
fullness -
Delaware’s Democratic-controlled legislature is considering a Republican bill that would give corporations the right to vote
drifting -
losing attention -
to news -
mhm -
'the-evening-news' -
archi-detected -
for stream-casting -
news-is-a-channel -
not on a channel -
a brand-in-brand -
channel -
shaping a-narratives -
in media-ecologies -
entangled -
contents-genres-markets -
by-who -
don't know -
just went down -
a rabbit-hole -
doorway -
into war-ren-community -
relationships-afford-dancing -
ai-pophenia -
as if the -
young-lady -
old-lady -
are not one-and-same -
grasping of actuality -
jeez -
woke vs sharia -
dee - san -
dis -knee -
wants to steal -
the breath -
from minnie -
in front of mickey -
In last 20 yrs, nonprofits have grown rapidly. Would be great to build on or duplicate the model of [Corporation for Public Broadcasting] with federal & state funding for independent nonpartisan nonprofit news organizations
“The path of building trust with the community is not just about the journalism itself, it’s about the reporter’s personal interactions with people in the community.”
6/18/2022 - New Moon
"who, if not journalists, will be producing civic information? Well, this is where the imagination and experimentation is required. Currently, there are more local librarians than local newspaper reporters. And libraries enjoy much higher levels of public trust than news, so that’s a start. Could libraries and newsrooms collaborate? Yes. Hearken has been supporting newsrooms and libraries working together to expand their reach and efficacy, as have others."
Civic Information: “High-quality, verifiable information that enables people to respond to collective needs by enhancing local coordination, problem-solving, systems of public accountability, and connectedness.”
Original Entanglement – Enacting Social Fabric – Re-Cognizing Futures
Foresight Shaman, Mytho-poet
un-disciplined mind - Curious interstitial forager, Dharma Bum
exploring alchemy of cultural change
Re-Imagining the Local #mmt