The stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori is well known as a cause of ulcers and stomach cancer. it also protects against oesophageal cancer – the same strains account for both these pros and cons. H. pylori is neither a good nor a bad microbe; it’s both
Consciousness is as constructed as our ability to count – it is learnt. The fact that we communicate with ourselves – that voice in our head – in the language we have learned from the society in which we live is a banal example of this.
was on -
the edge of the -
gravity of this -
was choosing -
to re-turn -
and re-turn -
until-it's -
done -
sometimes -
watching bad films -
makes it easier -
to see how -
aesthetic-frameworks -
generate collective -
reason-ancing -
for archetypal-mytho-logics -
light-shad-owes -
Scientists have used artificial intelligence (AI) to discover a new antibiotic that can kill a deadly species of superbug.
Management is a practice, not a profession or science. It is learned largely through experience, which means that it’s primarily a craft, although some of the best managers make considerable use of art. They also use some science, in the form of analysis
nearly any material can be turned into a device that continuously harvests electricity from humidity in the air. The secret lies in being able to pepper the material with nanopores less than 100 nanometers in diameter.
mhm -
implicate order-
emergence -
phase-transition -
intensities -
revelation -
dwellers-on-thresholds -
reproducing -
negative capability -
afford-dances -
chaos -
evolving -
by-mapping-the-picture -
we're changing the picture -
alethea -
everyone is blaming -
McCarthy-ism 2.0 -
for defaulting -
on gov 'promises to back' -
current currency flowing -
in the economy -
how many #gop -
people's representatives -
are in the house? -
and none have courage -
to declare -
have you no shame -
mr mccarthy -
Why isn't the #WritersStrike more prominent in the news - in fact I can't remember any coverage from mainstream #news
attending to -
familiarity-novelty in -
the ease of -
understanding -
the e-motions -
of voice-facial enact-meants -
and judgments of -
honest-performance -
as we do of acting -
and when was any culture -
so focused -
on adoration -
of performers -
If every possible 100-amino-acid-long protein was assembled from the 20 most common amino acids that form proteins, the result would not just fill our Universe but 1023 universes.
All citizens in Sweden can use state welfare during difficult periods of their life without any stigma. Citizens feel safer knowing that there exists a fundamental degree of security, and they are accordingly more flexible and willing to change. Secure in the knowledge that there is a fine-meshed social security net, people feel free to gain an education, change job, get divorced and have children without ever becoming dependent upon family, employer or friends.
Sweden has managed to combine high levels of social trust & faith in collective institutions with an affirmation of individual autonomy. Comparative studies of social trust & trust in institutions – show, Sweden stands out as a high-trust society
empathy alone is not enough to sustain a democracy. Other factors, such as a robust legal system, freedom of speech and assembly, and an engaged and informed citizenry, are also necessary to ensure a thriving democratic society.
they don't care -
they tear -
it all down -
prepared to wait -
till all has fallen -
to their shit -
as magical wants -
to enact-their-beliefs -
cult of cargo trumpistics -
5/12/2022 - Third Quarter Moon
Foresight Shaman, Mytho-poet
un-disciplined mind - Curious interstitial forager, Dharma Bum
exploring alchemy of cultural change
Re-Imagining the Local #mmt