#politics I hope to be proved wrong next month, but in the states that will decide the election, there seems to be more men who can’t stomach the idea of a woman president- and a Black one at that - then there are all other voters. How else to explain Trump, an old, misogynist, racist, lying, dictator-loving felon in cognitive decline, running even and even ahead of Harris in those states? Yikes! I fear for our country.
@elbutterfield My hope is that the pollsters got it wrong again - this time undercounting the hidden Harris vote. Possible, I guess. Joe Sixpack might not wanna admit he’s voting for a broad!
@johnldeboer I hope you are right!
@johnldeboer Yes, I posted something like this earlier, then took it down because I don't want to be negative, but I know I have never gotten over this realization from the 2016 election.