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Paul Hruz should be stripped of his medical license. Care should be led by evidenced base medicine, not religious tracts.

"Hruz made it clear he would try everything in his power to stop the medical school’s new gender clinic. When Hutton pleaded that trans kids were more likely to have suicidal thoughts without affirming care, he replied, “Some children are born into this world to suffer and die.”

One of the perks of working at a book store is that you get advanced copies of new books. Next Tuesday sees the release of Starter Villain by John Scalzi. A young man going nowhere inherits his uncle's supervillain empire, complete with a volcanic island lair run by superintelligent cats. But he also inherits his uncle's enemies. Can he survive, or will he end up sleeping with the fishes (in this case, a pod of foul-mouthed killer dolphins.)?

Medical technology developed with tax funds should be nationalized.
The GeneXpert test was developed with >$250 million of people’s money. @CepheidNews & @DanaherCorp pay people back by charging 2-4 times more than what it costs to make these tests. These tests should be affordable for all people who need them. It’s !

Email Danaher and let them know you won't stand for price-gouging the world's poorest countries for testing: [email protected] Overwhelm their phone lines. 202-828-0850 or call Cepheid toll-free at 888.838.3222

Email Danaher and let them know you won't stand for price-gouging the world's poorest countries for testing: [email protected]
Call them. Overwhelm their phone lines. 202-828-0850 or call Cepheid toll-free at 888.838.3222
Get email and phone templates:

is the next step in the 's attempt to dismantle our democratic republic.

@SenatorCantwell @PattyMurray @RepDerekKilmer
Join me in opposing KOSA Senator Marsha Blackburn said the quite part out loud (

Dystopian. Houston public school students will now associate libraries with aversive carcel spaces where only the "bad" kids or "slow" kids go.

Houston's ISD Superintendent Mike Miles converted Public School libraries into "work and discipline centers" and produced a self-flattering and condescending play in which he starred that teachers were forced to watch.

Houston Public School libraries are being replaced with "Work and discipline centers" where only children who are disruptive or falling behind will go.

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jm_rives ( they / them )

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