It's almost time! This year will be our 7th annual year setting out some #gratitude snacks for our many delivery drivers - both regular and seasonal - for the holiday season. I'm starting to gather my supplies, I usually put it out on Black Friday and keep it up through the new year.
Here's last year's starting bin.
@jenneviere that is so awesome of you. can i ask what you put in there. looks like water bottles & cheezits but i can't see what else (or they're not super familiar to me).
@singlemaltgirl Of course! I usually get a box of assorted mostly-not-junk-food snacks from (from amazon... shame, I know) so it's things like crackers, cheese puffs, granola bars, fruit bars, pretzels, fruit leather, that kind of thing. I also use up the remains of our halloween candy stash. And then H20, and juice pouches/boxes. I try to have something for everyone - sweet, salty, healthy, not... :)
@singlemaltgirl Love it!! It's such a low-level lift for high reward.