
Taking today to test drive a few basic bread recipes, to find my perfect go-to, do-in-my-sleep option. Can't believe I don't already have one, given how much time I spend in the kitchen. Embarrassing, really.

Test batch 1: overnight rise. absolute trash fire. into the bin.

Test batch 2: 2 hour rise. took 3 in our chilly house. made a couple of decent first loaves!

Test batch 3: currently rising.

I'm going to get this nailed down this weekend if it's the last thing I do.

Realistically, I just want a go-to, quick rise recipe that I know like the back of my hand, so I can throw together fresh bread easily, and customize with things like rosemary from our garden, aromatics, that kind of thing. I'm overdue to have my own tried-and-true.

This one looks great! If you nail the recipe do you mind to share it?


@jenneviere That’s inspiring. (I don’t even have a trash fire version!)

@ATXJane Hey, there's no time like the present to start a recipe with flour and water, destined for the bin. ;)

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