@Naydeeners 69 Dude!
@elbutterfield that dude has some magical reality changing bullets?
@redenigma Upload to GooglePhotos via a web browser then it will appear in the Google Photos app on the phone. You can then text it.
@th3j35t3r one very exasperated lift.
@th3j35t3r this is why I tell my people to keep their contact information up-to-date for their email accounts
Happy Birthday @th3j35t3r
Today in history
@th3j35t3r now that I’m finally holding a steady, I plan on contributing again.
@Brisse well, that’s different
@LaurelGreen I remember having a girlfriend two counties away and it was long distance to call her. My parents adored her so they didn’t mind.
@Bix there’s now people claiming if you’re not pro-Israel then you’re anti-American.
@th3j35t3r I thought that was Keanu in Dracula or Costner in Robin Hood
@LiberalLibrarian your wut?
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