who is #gardening this weekend? what are you planting? I have a small container garden outside my apartment, I am going to put my puny seedlings I started in there this week...peppers, nasturtiams, a couple of tomato survivors, eggplant, basil, and other stuff...I have made two bee waterers and planted wildflower seeds in one container w/zinnia seeds in the middle
@CannibalHoliday cool...my bf has an indoor garden of cannibas
@igneousidol hope you live somewhere where you didn't just implicate him in a felony :P
@CannibalHoliday finally legal in this state! he only grows enough for our personal use
@igneousidol sunflowers, jade trumpet cuttings, and honey peach auto CBD.
Once the pot seedlings get big enough to transplant they're going over the septic tank drainage where everything grows like crazy :D