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A federal judge has ordered the campaign to produce by May 31 a list of all & complaints made during his 2016 + 2020 runs

Trump tried to keep these allegations confidential through rigorously enforced

Nine Takeaways From Our Investigation Into ’s

What you need to know about the inside story of how the company allowed to seep into all of us while sitting on research that showed the 🧪 is

the is a modern way to punish people for being

a situation where people do not have access to mainstream services such as accounts, affordable , & .

deeply worrying

COVID can cause new health problems to appear years after infection, according to a study of more than 130,000 patients

😷 🦠 🩺

"Don't tell me 'gender isn't a factor' when Hillary Clinton is more despised for being cheated on than Trump is despised for cheating."

Rachel Held Evans

Genetic Mutation Underlying Finland’s ‘Salty Liquorice’ Cats Identified, out of University of Helsinki🇫🇮 + Wisdom Panel, published by Animal Genetics

by @grrlscientist

🐈‍⬛ 🐾 🧬 🎨 🇫🇮 🧪

The Netherlands🇳🇱 Is Losing Its Insect-Pollinated Flowers | study from University of Leiden & Naturalis Biodiversity Center, published by Journal of Applied Ecology

by @grrlscientist

🧪 🐝 🌺 🪲

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GrrlScientist ⧖ Ⓥ

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.