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Roger Stone Seems to Imply Trump Totally Controls judge Aileen Cannon

A secret recording of hints at more trouble in Donald ’s classified documents case

I aspire to own and read such a library!

"A truly great library contains something in it to offend everyone."

-- Jo Goodwin

oh yay! because there are just too many fin whales & so many hungry people who want to eat their flesh🙄

🇯🇵, 🇮🇸 issue new permits to hunt endangered fin 🐋

Relatives search for missing in Saudi Arabia🇸🇦 as hajj death toll tops 900

About 1.8 million people from all over the world, many old and infirm, took part in the days-long, mostly outdoor pilgrimage, in oven-like Saudi summer

"Ban The Bible.

The bible teaches domestic abuse.

It says women are property that can be bought, sold, set on fire, raped, and killed. It's time to recognize the damage being done to men who grow up reading it."

"Assuming it worked, Trump proposal to replace taxes with tariffs would be a tax hike for the bottom 90 percent, lowering their after-tax incomes while raising the incomes of the wealthy."

Project 2025’s Guide to Subverting Democracy🗽

A second Trump administration could weaponize existing government🇺🇸 agencies to dismantle democracy itself


Tallaght🇮🇪 Hospital🏥 bans visitors due to & outbreaks

Tallaght Hospital has suspended all patient visits except in circumstances of end of life care & critical illness🚑

this paperback, The Shadow Docket by Stephen Vladeck, just arrived in the mail, thanks to Oriel the outstanding & BasicBooks📚

An acclaimed legal scholar’s exposé of how uses unsigned & unexplained orders to change the law behind closed doors

🐈 kill 1.85 BILLION 🦉

🪟 US kill 675 million birds🪶

🚗 72 million birds🦤

kill 328,000 birds🦜

yes, this loss of birds to wind💨 turbines is tragic, BUT why specifically try to ban wind turbines BUT NOT CATS?


Does Size Matter? Penis Dissatisfaction And Gun Ownership In America | University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas A&M University, Florida State University, pub'd by American Journal of Men's Health

by @grrlscientist


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GrrlScientist ⧖ Ⓥ

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.