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Which Birds Are Most Likely To Freak Out Due To Fireworks Shows? out of University of Amsterdam, published by Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

by @grrlscientist

🎆 🧪

Falklands Falcons Are As Brainy As Cockatoos

A recent study in falcons highlights commonalities in that underlie the of innovative thinking in both & | study published by Royal Society Publishing

by @grrlscientist


hey everyone, look what just arrived: How to Care about Animals: An Ancient Guide to Creatures Great and Small, thanks to carmen the amazing & the good peeps at PrincetonUniversityPress

wow! i did a thing this year! (i didn't do as well as last year, when i was in the top 1% of learners, alas ... )

now reading The Nutmeg's Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis by Amitav Ghosh, thanks to celsie the magnificent & the good people at the University of Chicago Press

it's beautifully written & gently pulls the reader into a fascinating story

Like People, European Parrots Do Have Their Own Regional Dialects | out of Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, published by Behavioral Ecology

by @grrlscientist

just started reading this huge doorstop of a book: The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe by James Belich (2022, PrincetonUniversityPress)

📚 🏰

Endangered Parrots Threatened By Deforestation And Climate Change | SanDiegoZooWildlifeAlliance & Organización Vida Silvestre AC | Global Ecology & Conservation

by @grrlscientist via ForbesScience / Forbes

🧪 🦜

“Vaccinations are important, but they cannot deal with many of the newly emerging serotypes early enough to be effective on their own.”

Willow Bark Extract May Cure What Ails You | out of University of Jyväskylä, published by Frontiers in Microbiology

by @grrlscientist

Delisting species due to extinction is a ‘‘wake-up call on the importance of conserving imperiled species before it’s too late’’

21 Species Removed From The Endangered Species Act Due To Extinction | USFWS CenterForBiologicalDiversity

by @grrlscientist

Parrots Mimic Sounds, Yet They Still Recognize Each Other’s Voices — How? | Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior & MuseuCiencies published by RoyalSocietyPublishing Open Science

by @grrlscientist via ForbesScience / Forbes

just started The End of Eden: Wild Nature in the Age of Climate Breakdown by Adam Welz, published by BloomsburyBooks

it has parrots in it!

my is coming

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GrrlScientist ⧖ Ⓥ

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