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finished reading my previous book (all 1011 pages of it!) after numerous lengthy interruptions. the three body problem by cixin liu, translated by ken liu & published by Head of Zeus Books (2014)

1st of a series, being made into a series now by netflix

what happens in your brain when you change your mind?

The Neurobiology Of Changing Priorities In A Songbird | study out of Columbia & Cornell | published by Nature

by @grrlscientist via Forbes Science / Forbes

i’ll show you mine if you show me yours

this Linktree page lists active links to ALL my (there's a lot of them, at least one of which you are already using, maybe), please look for me there! (it's free so you can get a linktree too)

go ahead, click the link! you know you want to

Discovering Life’s Story: Biology’s Beginnings By Joy Hakim, a teen & young adult book about the history of life science

interesting, well-written with lots of wonderful illustrations!

Spotless All-Brown Baby Giraffe Spotted In The Wild In Namibia | via Giraffe Conservation Foundation & Goethe University & Senckenberg Museum

by @grrlscientist via ForbesScience / Forbes

Photographed on a private game reserve in central , this young Angolan is the first spotless giraffe recorded in the wild in

The Good Virus: The Untold Story Of Phages By Tom Ireland — Review, published by HodderBooks, 2023

by @grrlscientist via ForbesScience / Forbes

An engaging book about the viruses that prey on bacteria, packed with inspirational stories of eccentric scientists, medical miracles and interwoven with how science and history affect each other

African Painted Dogs Could Be Cooked Into Extinction By Climate Change | via UCL published by Global Change Biology

Global warming isn’t only affecting animals like polar bears and emperor penguins. African wild dog populations may also collapse due to climate change

by @grrlscientist via @ForbesScience / @forbes

Our love of nature is highly individual and how we plan our cities and urban green spaces should take this into account, say scientists

Heredity And Early Experiences Are The Reasons People Love Nature | @GoteborgsUni & @_SLU | published in @Trends_Ecol_Evo

by @grrlscientist via @ForbesScience / @forbes

These Bizarre Amphibians Changed The Chemical Landscape To Survive A Plague Of Snakes | @UQ_News @VUBrussel @IJMS_MDPI

This evolutionary drama highlights the intimate yet powerful effects of a transformative arms race between predator and prey

by @grrlscientist via @ForbesScience / @forbes

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GrrlScientist ⧖ Ⓥ

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