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Warmer temperatures make more female turtle hatchlings, but new research shows that those females also have a greater capacity for egg production, even before their sex is set

How Temperatures Determine Whether A Turtle Is A Cool Dude Or A Hot Chick | @DukeNews @DukeU | @CurrentBiology

by @grrlscientist via @ForbesScience / @forbes

the venom of a notorious stinging caterpillar has a surprising ancestry & may be key to the delivery of lifesaving drugs

These Furry Caterpillars Obtained Their Potent Venom From Bacteria | @UQ_News | @PNASNews

by @grrlscientist via @ForbesScience / @forbes

giant salamanders are declining throughout their entire eastern US range — but why?

In Search Of America’s Missing Hellbenders | out of @virginia_tech published by @ASNAmNat

by @grrlscientist via @ForbesScience / @forbes

As we’ve become unmoored from nature, we’ve forgotten the importance and many uses of a variety of plants, especially the much-maligned dandelion

How I Learned How To Love Dandelions

i've been absolutely ensnared by this fascinating book, i have some questions for you by @rebeccamakkai (2022 @VikingBooks) what an incredible read!

now i gotta read her previous book

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