@grrlscientist Objectively, there is little to no disagreement that Cannon has her thumb on the scale in favor of Trump. The debate, however, centers on how far she is willing to go.

@Helical_Code The odds are in your favor. My reading suggests Cannon will drag this case out to the point of irrelevance; in effect, other cases against Trump will have adjudicated before she executes her summary judgement (potentially, in the weakest possible manner).


Her depravity really bothers me. I hope it haunts her for the rest of her life. (I do feel a badly about expressing personal venom rather than offering astute analysis. The terrible things in the world have been weighing on me more heavily than usual.)


@Helical_Code I understand, ma'am.

Will her actions haunt her? Not if she's morally convinced she is doing the right thing. I think her moral code is sufficiently muddled to accommodate favoring Trump.


I think you are right that she will remain unhaunted. Wrap yourself in a bent notion of the constitution or hide behind the cross (first amendment be damned) and you are good to go.


@ps9714 @Helical_Code @grrlscientist

She's attempting to throw out the whole case now, asking why Smith should even be a special counsel and is entertaining trump's claims about a "shadow government" that's "out to get him" with these "witch hunts".

I'm just disillusioned by everything at this point.


Roger Stone saw "portals to Hell" opening in the sky above the White House when Biden was inaugurated, too.

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