
Scary looking for a new job these days because I have to start thinking about 'age discrimination'. I am trying to stay as young-looking and fit as possible because I really do not want to end up struggling my final years on the planet.


Buy trendy shoes and watch. Headhunters say they are both giveaways of age.


If you own Fluevogs, I’m not worried about you showing up too old. But depends on the job.

@LnzyHou One does not simply own Fluevogs... I would argue they own you...because of the siren song of that freaking store.... (haz 4 pairs and counting)

@elric Ive been a SySadmin for 25 years and currently trying to get the CISSP and perhaps transition my infosec hobby into a career


What's really aggravating is that increasingly there's a gap. Employers have less interest when you're in your 60's and RepubliCons think you shouldn't be able to retire ever. But if you make them pick a number they'll say 79 and there should be a work requirement tied to almost any benefits.

@gomez_addams I always tell people don’t offer up more info than what’s needed. If it’s age, don’t put in your birthdate if they ask, take off the dates of graduation, keep the job experience to five years and spiff up your look. Don’t use words popular with your generation.

As for disability accommodations. They do use that to discriminate (even though legally it’s not allowed). Disability to a hiring manager is like what a pre-existing condition used to be to an HMO. I tell people say “no”.

@gomez_addams Why does a candidate need to check a box at the application stage about that, it’s so ableist.

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