@artemis Yeah I noticed there were some that played on the conspiracy theorist points, and some were much more benign random statements that sounded like normal announcements. I tend to enjoy looking into conspiracy theories and other oddball things people talk about so I guess I'm already primed to know the difference between misinfo and not. Fun little survey.
I wish they'd tell us which ones we missed. I only missed 2 and I think I rated them as fake when probably they were true. They did mention I'm quite skeptical :-) Yay.
Glad you had fun with it.
@artemis I generally am really skeptical about most things. I guess it just so happened that I knew a bit more about a few of the things that were presented. Would be nice to see what I missed so I can go look into them a bit more.
hey, that's a good score :-)
IDNK if it's testing actual knowledge/ facts, or perhaps testing the way the titles are phrased,. More about language than content, maybe. Anyhow, fun to play with. Makes us think and wonder :-)