49F / 9C / 36%H fair air quality, sunny, with fire alert ongoing @k_ratoncita
#politics Show more
It's pretty much impossible to overstate Covid's impact on global politics and democracy.
We've never needed life-and-death gov't interventions like that before in our lives. It stands to reason that wherever they were felt, they were deeply controversial.
Covid was bigger than doctors, hospitals, gov'ts, int'l orgs, everything!
Globally, people are voting from their shock & trauma, and are being (easily) led by politicians to blame incumbents for their suffering & grief.
I had a bizarrely totally unexpected day. My 2nd block hellraisers, such challenging behaviors, decided to do assignments today. On a friday. Even helped one another.
Reminder that u never know. One day for no discernible reason our typically behavior problem students might show up and learn stuff.
Yep, I called mommas to PRAISE.
@gemswinc We set up our own household cloud, using this:
For less technical folks, you can get it pre-installed on a device you hook up to your home network. Everything's available as long as it is connected to the internet.
There's also hosted options for people that don't want to or can't self-host.
Instead of my phone and computer backing up to Google, it backs up to the server in our basement.
Which can itself be backed up remotely, too.
Retired Chemistry teacher, Master Gardener/ wild gardener, hobby photographer, accidental birder. News, politics, science, nature, random thoughts.