
I was todays years old when I found out heroin addicts, when shopping for drugs, look for and desire it have Fentanyl in it.

I'm so thankful marijuana is NOT an "gateway" drug as I smoked weed for 45 years and have never had the desire to venture into the black ...
Thank you! Daddy for warning me young, if you do it once boy, you're hooked forever looking for that first high feeling ....

Speaking of ......

@fatslothslim JFC

I've done drugs okay. I've never had such crazy fucking ideas.

@MrGoat @fatslothslim may well be somewhat rational. They know there's a good chance of fentanyl being cut into whatever it is anyhow. If they actually seek it then they have a slightly better chance of knowing what they're getting.

This is why I think we need to think about just taking control of the supply. Keep people alive and as functional as possible until they're ready to get help. And have that help readily available.

Thats his mantra. What the shit does it even mean? Melt down voting machines which are mostly plastic and re-fashion them as prison bars? For who? Its doesn’t even make sense as a metaphor. Maybe someone can put extra fentanyl in his crack pipe and finish him off already.

@fatslothslim I guess I learned that today, as well.

Weed was demonized, but D.A.R.E. had not come around, yet. I was still part of the "Just Say No" bullshit. GenX were so conditioned, I went to a highly conservative Midwest college & had peers tell on us for smoking weed. Talk about buzzkill.

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