Beryl update - the hurricane completely bypassed us! A few rain sprinkles and that’s it. It wobbled again and now is going to hit Houston.
Yes, Corpus Christi was completely spared today but did get hit by hurricane Harvey in 2017.
We feel very fortunate today-:)
@evamarie Glad to hear that you and those around you are okay.
Good, I am very, very glad you're safe! Not so good, perhaps, for Houston, though.
@evamarie You are most welcome. Stay safe.
Glad you're okay!
@evamarie Oh shit that’s not good news for them, the streets flood when it sprinkles a little.
Yeah, Houston has suffered too much rain this year anyway. It’s already waterlogged.
We’ve got friends on the river by Lake Jackson. They’ve been moving everything from under the house (the party zone) today. They said “not our first rodeo!” 😂😂
That's awesome news, I'm glad to hear it.
so glad!
the sense of relief after avoiding a danger ...brings things into perspective
@evamarie spared. I am glad for you. I think Corpus Christi was clobbered, last time. Right?