
Those clowns should suffer the same fate as military folk do; that is, do their 12 years there, then another 12 years when they come back to the States. If international law worked similarly to the UCMJ, idiot tourists and such might think twice before their asshattery.


After 4 people have been arrested for accidentally leaving ammo in their suitcase, number 5 doesnโ€™t check his luggage? I mean, the State Department has been issuing warnings to all Americans going to the Turks and Caicos since April, underscoring the consequences.

Thatโ€™s some major league willful ignorance.


Yup, I agree, and I am unconvinced those others "forgot" in the first place, too. My thought is that they just got caught being arrogant dumbasses and needed an excuse. That's just me, though, with that thought.


Probably more to this than meets the eye. I doubt this was all inadvertent.


People who travel with weapons and ammo need to be aware of rules and consequences associated with breaking those rules.


You would think traveling out of the country without ammo would be the default position of any reasonable person. The State Department has issued warnings.

For instance, the possession of small quantities of cocaine is legal in Peru but I think they know theyโ€™ll get arrested in the U.S. if they fly in with coke in their luggage. Itโ€™s not a difficult concept.

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