
I just took a look at the current polls for the Presidential race and now I’ll have to drink from now through November.

It’s way too early to make too much of this but my stupid brain is disordered 🤦🏼‍♀️

@evamarie I have to agree, and my tongue is nowhere in the vicinity of my cheek.

@evamarie Ignore all polls. They have been proven to be completely inaccurate and used solely to influence the zeitgeist, not measure it.

@elbutterfield @Lucky188

Thank you for talking me off the ledge and possibly saving my liver🙂

@evamarie The polls like everything else media related are horribly skewed. Most people ignore polls and anon calls so they really don't get a good sample. Add that to questions designed to get the answer the poll wants and you have 2024 polls.

@Lucky188 @evamarie Exactly! Newsweek online will report that Biden is ahead on all fronts one day, and then the orange idiot is ahead on all fronts the next day or week. Depends on the poll they use

@evamarie Polls are meaningless. Especially ones released to the public. Some campaign polls are better but we never see them. The only polls that matter are ones you vote in.

@evamarie I certainly share your concern, but also concur with others abv. Polling isn’t entirely useless if one is willing to dig further, but initial numbers don’t really tell the whole story. E.g.: 15-20% of repubs are still voting for Haley in primaries. Additionally, it appears rump is currently losing more votes to RFK Jr. than Biden is (wonder why… 🤔). Means by which current polling is taken isn’t allowing for results that better represent real percentages.

@chaddus2_0 @evamarie 👆main concern atm (mine, anyway) is the shenanigans that the shenanigan-pullers will inevitably attempt to pull (*see—lara trump and rnc, mtg, gaetz, jordan etc). These sorts of things must needs be preempted and squashed outright.



I am purposely trying not to get too engaged with politics simply to hold onto any serenity. But like you, I am concerned that 2024 will see the right lose their minds and engage in shenanigans and violence. Not sure what anyone can do about it.

@evamarie Understood.👍 I believe we can beat this. As to how, I suppose it will vary from individual to individual. One reason why I think that every time we see justice applied in one instance or another and then there’s some sort of counter (take AZ, for ex.), is because, again, they already went “all-in” with their first attempt to wrest power for themselves. In their minds, they don’t have much other choice. They’ll fight to the end, but can be stopped.

@evamarie If you look at crosstabs and the poll had Trump winning women and young people => and it's an outlier like the most recent CNN poll....ignore it. Trump is NOT winning women or the under 30 crowd, period. Biden will win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin and then probably Arizona....that's a wrap. Worry less, do more 😂🤣😂 that's my pep talk, thank you 😊

@evamarie 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 A lot of these polls are just crap right now. We hold the Senate, pick up the house and kill it in the general ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️ That is what will happen.

@evamarie I know what you mean Eva-Marie, would feel less hair-raising to see more favorable polls. Hoping that some is due to methodological flaws you & others mention. Also think polling results can be ambiguous in terms of how well they translate to actual voting behavior. if someone says they disapprove of Biden today, how well does that translate to someone actually not casting their vote for him.

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