RNC votes to install tRump’s hand picked chair to head the GOP.
If you are a down ticket GOP nominee, your party money is now going to post tRump’s bail, not your campaign.
I remember when Lindsey Lapdog said that. Now he just bends over and swallows.
Yup. Been leading up to that for a little while now, after he decided he wanted family to run the RNC.
@evamarie Elections have consequences and they only have themselves to blame when cheeto’s DIL steals every penny.
I’m having a shadenfreude moment. 😏
The RNC will be bankrupt and all the MAGA candidates will have sacrificed their campaign hopes on the alter of their cult leader.
We are literally watching the GOP drinking their koolaid.
Good news for the Dems when it comes to downstream races if she keeps her promise about where all the money is going to go.
Oh, yes. I look forward to this slow moving car crash. 💥
Oh, this is going to be an absolute disaster. Let's see if she survives in the job until August.
@evamarie GOP gonna need a lot of that tax break money back they were spreading around not too long ago. (which don't worry, GOP/tRump will get it and the oligarchs will be juuuussssttt fine!)
Do we really need another sign?
The Grand Old Party is dead, and they killed themselves for Donald John Trump..
Go ahead, Linds Of The Links —